Is it Easier to Sell at Well-Known Companies?

name brand vs start ups

Happy National Mimosa Day! This is your reminder to celebrate with a mimosa before your first cold call today. 🥂

In today’s Follow Up:

  • Is its easier to sell at a well-known company? 🤔

  • Sales in the news 🗞️

  • Sales weapons of the week ⚔️

  • Cool jobs at cool companies đź’¸

Sales Fact of The Day

The worst times to call prospects are Mondays and the second half of Fridays.

Is it Easier to Sell at Well-Known Companies?

There’s an age-old debate in the world of sales:

Does size matter? Is it easier to sell at a well-known company vs an unknown company?

Who has it easier, the big shots at Salesforce or the scrappy sales reps and growth ninjas at no-name startups?

My cousin Ricky and I were arguing about this last night…

Ricky is family, but he’s not what you call, soft around the edges. He dropped out of high school and was in prison for 3 years. He hates authority, but… he’s a killer startup salesman.

Me? My first kiss was in college and I still make sure my shoes match my socks (can’t be out here lacking). I’m one of the top AE’s at Google. I tried working at a small company before and didn’t get past the first quarter (the co-founder hated my socks).

Ricky thought startups were better because you get equity and you get to determine your own fate. I thought big companies were better because of the name recognition and the support from peers.

So, while there may not be a clear-cut answer here, there are some key differences.

We scoured the internet to better answer the question and stumbled on this Reddit post by our favorite salesperson, “u/p7455166.” (He doesn’t sound like it, but he’s a winner).

Here’s some of the Pros and Cons of working at a large company:

The Pro’s

  • Spend less time explaining who you are and what you do to your prospects (since they already know your company).

  • Prospects are often more likely to respond to your cold outreach when they’re familiar with your company.

  • Proven sales processes, training, and career trajectory.

  • Prospects are more likely to have used your product at a previous company (but this can be a bad thing if they didn’t like it).

The Con’s

  • Prospects are more likely to have a strong opinion about your product. If they didn’t like it before, they’re less likely to give it a second chance now.

  • Enterprise and legacy products have a reputation of being expensive. This can be a non-starter for some prospects.

  • Well-known companies are more likely to offer lower commission rates and higher quotas.

Big companies are for sales professionals who prefer structure, nurturing, and maintaining relationships. The salespeople at bigger companies usually have it easier with prospecting and cold outreach, but they still have to be good at closing deals and working within a structured team environment.

While both environments are intense, a failed quota isn’t as bad as a failed company. Smaller companies can be more stressful when the future of the company isn’t certain.

There really is no wrong question to the answer and it totally depends on the type of person you are and what experience you value.

👇️ Let us know what you think 👇️ 

Sales Tip of The Day

Get comfortable with silence. As soon as you’re done asking a question, stop talking.

It can seem uncomfortable as time, but the key to a good sales call is to listen more than you talk. Encourage prospects to elaborate on the problems they’re facing so that you can use their pain points to sell your solution.

Sales in the News

Sales Weapons of The Week

  • AI-powered sales tools to automate lead generation, email automation, chatbots, and sales call analysis for businesses.

  • Attio - The CRM that’s truly your own. Tweak anything and everything to ensure it fits your business

Cool Jobs at Cool Companies:

Checking in on our LinkedIn Influencers: Jesus = Best Salesman of All Time??

Meme of the Day

And that’s a wrap!

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