The Rise of Full Stack Salespeople

Why sales reps will be expected to do more with less, and why it'll work.

Good Morning! Yesterday a Stegosaurus fossil sold at auction for a jaw-dropping $44.6 million, making it the most expensive fossil ever sold. Rumor has it that the sales rep who closed the deal got the biggest commission check of their life, and will be retiring when the deposit hits. We may‘ve made up that rumor, but we’d like to know... How much does a dinosaur fossil salesperson make on a $44M deal? 🤔

In today’s Follow Up:

  • The full stack sales rep 👀

  • A sales question tip of the day 🧠

  • The green flags in a sales manager. 🟩

  • Sales jobs, Linkedin & a meme 😂

The Rise Of Full Stack Sellers

When you hear the term ‘full stack’ most people think of a full stack engineer.

A full stack engineer refers to a developer that can build all parts of an application. The back end databases & logic, and the front end user interface.

They’re like the 3-in-1 body wash, shampoo, and conditioner of the tech team… Rather than hiring a front end dev + a back end dev, companies only need to hire one.

Now, let’s bring this back to sales.

Typical B2B and SaaS sales processes are made up of Marketing and SDRs generating leads at the top of the funnel (the front end), while Account Executives and Sales Engineers nurture and close the deal (the back end).

And it makes sense…right? Each role is able to specialize and focus on one aspect of the sales process, rather than trying to do everything at once.

But as the economy turns and companies are forced to do more with less, the emergence of the full stack rep will only continue to be more common.

The Math

For example, let’s pretend a $100K deal was just closed with the help of a BDR to set the meeting, a Sales Engineer to walk through the tool, and an AE to close the deal.

It’s good news, right? $100K of new revenue for the company, and the team worked together to bring it in! But, it’s not that simple.

Let’s pretend the BDR & Sales engineer each made a 1% commission on the deal, and the AE was paid a 10% commission. That means there was $12,000 paid out in commission before we even look at base salaries.

Now let’s pretend you pay the BDR a $50K base, the AE a $100K base, and the Engineer a $120K base. That’s $22.5K per month in base salaries that need to be paid whether a deal gets closed or not.

When there are multiple cooks in the kitchen, the sale becomes expensive.

So, what if instead of 3 reps on the deal, you just had one full stack rep?

A full stack rep can:

  • Prospect.

  • Do outreach.

  • Run sales call.

  • Run demos.

  • And close the deal.

Full stack reps condense the activities of 3 people into one and can demand more money because they provide more value to a company.

And there’s good news…

If you’ve been in sales long enough, you’re probably not far away from being a full-stack sales rep.

Full stack reps will utilize tools like Smartlead to send more emails, Clay to do data enrichments, and Make to automate it all.

The sales reps who will win will figure out how to generate more output with less time and resources.

Are you a full stack sales rep?

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Are Your Emails Landing in Spam?

Earlier this year, Google changed the entire landscape of cold email.

Every day, sales reps (like you) are wasting time, sending emails directly to spam.

But it doesn’t have to be like that.

Outbound Bueno helps businesses of all sizes keep their domains healthy, and emails out of Spam. With their done-for-you domain manager, you get access to a real human who’s dedicated to keeping your domain healthy.

The Follow Up readers can get 15% off with code “FOLLOWUP15” at checkout on any Outbound Bueno service.

Sales Tip of The Day 💡

When asking questions to your prospect, aim to phrase them in a way that only an “expert” would know.

Could you tell me how you’re currently tracking expenses?

Could you walk me through your current expense tracking system, starting from when an employee makes a purchase up until it get’s reimbursed?

By adding specifics, you’re more likely to position yourself as an expert in their department, rather than just a sales rep looking to make a deal.

Sales Around The Web 🗞️

🚗A car salesman shares the two phrases someone can say to get a salesperson to actually leave them alone.

🤖Salesforce announced their Einstein Service Agent, their fully autonomous AI service agent, designed to "make conventional chatbots obsolete".

📞A new study found that 61% of sales reps say cold calling is their least favorite thing to do.

👀Sales reps discuss the “green flags” of a good sales manager in B2B sales.

Cool Sales Jobs 💼

Checking In On LinkedIn

Hey! Noticed you breathe oxygen as well. We should connect. :)

Sales Meme of the Day

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